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Please tell us about your diabetes care

You have been asked to answer some questions about your diabetes care.

Asking you questions like this is called a survey.

Below is some information to explain how to do the survey.

We would like you to answer some questions about your diabetes care.

Your answers will help the NHS to make diabetes care better.

You do not have to answer all the questions if you do not want to.

Your individual answers are private, and nobody will know they have come from you. We will not use your name when we share what we have found out.

We add your answers to the answers from all the other people who take part in the survey. When we have looked at all the answers from everyone, we will write about what people have told us, and put it on our website at

You can take part using a paper survey, online or by phone.

You can take part by using a paper survey.

You can answer each question by putting a cross in the box next to the answer you want.

Please post your survey back in the FREEPOST envelope. You do not need a stamp and it will be free to send.

If you do not have the FREEPOST envelope, you can use your own envelope to post your survey back. This will also be free to send.
Please send this envelope with your survey to:
National Diabetes Experience Survey
Kings House
Kymberley Road

You can take part online, using a computer, mobile phone, or tablet.

To take part online, search at the top of your internet page.

Enter the code from the middle of your letter. The code is a mixture of letters and numbers.

For each question in the online survey, click on the answer you want and press the ‘Next’ button.

You can take part by phone.
To take part by phone, call our team on 0800 470 2983. It is free to call this number.

A member of our team can help you complete the survey over the phone by reading the questions to you.

You can ask somebody else to help you read the questions and answer them if you want.
This could be help from a family member, friend, or carer.

But they should not tell you what to answer. We want to know what you think.

Thank you very much for answering our questions.
If you have any questions about the survey, call our team on 0800 470 2983. It is free to call this number.


Words used in the survey

Here are some words used in the survey and what they mean.

Diabetes annual review You should see your doctor or nurse at least once every year for a full diabetes health check-up. You will usually have tests and checks done to see how your diabetes care is going. This is called an annual review in the survey.
Complications These are health problems that can develop due to a health condition, after an operation, after taking medicine, or after being ill.
Device A device is a piece of equipment that helps people with diabetes take insulin or check their sugar levels.
Diabetes Diabetes is a health condition that means there is too much sugar in your blood. You might have been told that you have type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes.
Diagnosis When a healthcare professional finds out what is making a person feel unwell.
Financially This word relates to money that you have earned or been given. For some people, living with diabetes might affect how much money they have.
GP or doctor A GP or doctor can give you help or advice about health problems. A GP is another name for a doctor at your GP practice. A GP can usually be found at your general practice or doctors’ surgery. You can also see a doctor at a hospital or at a clinic; they might also be called a consultant.
Healthcare professional A healthcare professional is someone who works for a health service. For example, this can be a GP, doctor, nurse, pharmacist, dentist, optician, or paramedic. They can give you help or advice about health problems, for example, advice about your feet, eyes, diet, or exercise.
Misdiagnosed This is when a person is diagnosed with a health condition that they do not have. It may happen if a healthcare professional makes a mistake in finding out what is making a person feel unwell.
Nurse A nurse can give you help or advice about health problems. A nurse can be found at your general practice or doctors’ surgery, at a hospital, or at a clinic.
Side effects or long-term effects Medicines are given to people to help keep them healthy or if they are ill. They used to help you, but sometimes medicines can also make you feel unwell – these are called side effects. If the side effects happen for months or years after starting or stopping the medicine, they are called long-term effects.
Survey A survey is used to ask you questions. Surveys are sent to many people to complete. This means we can collect views from lots of different people about the same thing.